… Nothing is how we thought it would be

There was a time when the United States was the beacon to the world. The shining city of democracy on the hill some politicians used to call it. The country was growing and fighting the spectre of totalitarianism referred to as communism. There was upheaval as the United States got itself into a war to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam. The youth of the country rebelled against the established conservatism that was sending it to this seemingly endless war.

Black Americans both young and old were rebelling too. Theirs was a different conflict born from a disproportionate reduction in opportunity and rights compared to their non-Black fellow US American inhabitants.

The two movements simultaneously shifted the American psyche closer to a pure, just democracy. Nurtured by the visions of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, who both pushed the hardened conservative agenda against the foe of totalitarianism and accepted the reasons for the social upheavals, the rebellion’s goals pushed against the blockade against them with seeming success in the 1964 civil rights bill. This was followed by the Voting Rights Act in 1965 which prohibited the implementing of a voting qualification or prerequisite to voting.

Richard M. Nixon readdressed the conservative agenda to pushing Vietnam to a higher and more deadly conflict. Men were drafted to continue the deadly conflict against the Vietnamese struggle for freedom against colonialism and their imperialism past in the name of the American conservative’s visions of world democracy.

During these times women won the right in the decisions about their reproductive organs and control their future. They were saved from the deadly alley coat hanger and won the right for safe and legal abortions Roe v Wade was decided January 22, 1973.

Conservative President Nixon, guilty of prolonging the war for political reasons, found the means to finally end the US involvement.

January 1973 the drafting of men into the U.S. armed services for the continued push of the anti-totalitarian war on communism was no longer needed. Americans would no longer face the economically discriminatory policy designed to send poor young men into conflict for the anti-totalitarian war effort. The Selective Service System was suspended on April 1, 1975. though registration was resumed as mandatory in July 1980 under Republican Ronald Regan.

The United States was going to be different according to the anti-establishment liberal viewpoint. There would be an end to military conflict for the sake of some global anti-totalitarian dream. There would be increased freedoms and civil liberties. There would be equality for Blacks and increased awareness of the importance of women’s equal participation in society as a whole.

Forty five years later under continued Conservative ideological political pressure little of this has come true in the fight for personal and racial freedoms. The establishment that was so rebelled against in the 1960s and 1970s has in fact maintain a stranglehold on liberty and freedoms in the US using the impersonation of a democracy preserved by the conservatives. Totalitarian communism fell in the world governments to totalitarian capitalism but a capitalist regime could not be a threat to the GOP, a long proponent of capitalistic governmental rule. Perplexed, they turned inward and named those that continued to strive for the hard won freedoms of the 1960s as enemies of the people and radical leftist. They must be the enemy all along. They turned the finger pointing and blamed the globalism viewpoint of conservatives used for anti-totalitarian wars since the the 60s as caused by enemy globalist liberals. The assertion of unlimited gun rights and internal control of legislative power through gerrymandering and restrictive voting policies are the new conservative tactics. The GOP’s New Rule: White People Can Shoot, But Black People Can’t Vote.

Their youths squandered in a generation that has spent their entire lives in conservative global wars. Continually praised as good Americans and thanked for their service, they never understood the rejections of conservatism by the movements against racial and social injustice or the unnecessary war of killing in Vietnam of the 1960’s and 1970’s. Hidden from them by a conservative political narrative of praise in securing America’s freedom. This has left Americans aligned with the GOP skewed in the viewpoint and lacking inter-social values found in the ‘love’ movements of the 1960s. This created a conservative GOP that has become the Party of Sociopathism. A new social order on the basis of sociopathic actions and false claims by them being expressions of individual freedom.

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